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Polish in Minsk

Find Polish in the best schools on EduFind! Learn foreign language in Minsk near you, online, or abroad. Find listings with schools and their reviews or begin your distance learning. Discover new opportinities for business and travelling during Polish. Study foreign culture together with EduFind!

Oxbridge is a modern educational center offering truly effective foreign language courses in Minsk. The use of British standards, experienced teachers and reasonable prices make language learning a...
Образовательный центр "Лидер"
“The educational center“ Leader ”currently trains students in 27 cities of Belarus. Since 1999, the “leader” has absorbed the best educational traditions, while consta...
Школа польского языка PolskiPapa
In the PolskiPapa courses , you are guaranteed a professional approach to learning and a result, even if you start from scratch and think that foreign languages are difficult for you.17 years o...
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