International School of Business
The International Business Institute is a business school that implements the first IBA programs accredited by the Association of MBAs: Executive MBA, General MBA, Ukrainian MBA. Also in the IIB portfolio of the international qualifications program: CIM and REFA International.
Why choose the business school "International Business Institute":
- More than 20 years is a leader in the market of business education in Ukraine.
- The first business school in Ukraine, whose MBA programs since 2007 are accredited by the international independent association "Association of MBAs" (Great Britain).
- The programs of the International Business Institute are traditionally recognized as one of the best in Ukraine and the Eastern European region according to the Eduniversal MASTERS RANKING (France) rating.
- Possibility of obtaining a state diploma Master of Business Administration on the program of the Ukrainian MBA, the only national program accredited by the Association of MBAs.
- IIB has the exclusive right to study in Ukraine specialists on the programs of international professional qualifications of the Royal Institute of Marketing - CIM (Great Britain), the Royal Institute of Public Relations - CIPR (Great Britain), the Federal Union REFA (Germany).
- Training in IIB is training in the environment of successful people, networking with leading experts of the Ukrainian business and joining the world community of professionals.
- Business School "International Business Institute" has many years of experience in implementing management development programs, including MBA, which is confirmed by the career growth of graduates and their significant achievements in business.
- Integration of IIB with foreign business schools and international organizations, which enables students to participate in international educational and entrepreneurial projects.
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