International Business School NIKLAND
IBS "NIKLAND" is a business school that strives to develop the competence of its listeners through the process of business education.
The goals and principles of its creation are based on a unique combination of classical business education traditions and the latest world practical training concepts.
Mission of IBS "NIKLAND":
To provide the widest possible range of services in the field of business education through high-quality practical training programs for the development of students' competencies and sustainable development of society.
IBS "NIKLAND" believes that education in general, and business education in particular, should not be one-sided. It is not possible to work successfully in the international business space, owning only financial and economic knowledge. A logically linked and complexed set of knowledge and competences is required that comprehensively develops the listener and includes:
- elements of business building skills;
- innovative trainings for personal growth;
- communicative technologies and team management skills;
- knowledge of foreign languages;
- financial, economic, marketing and other specialized knowledge.
IBS "NIKLAND" provides an integrated approach to training in three areas:
- "Management Programs"
- "Financial programs"
- "Programs for banks"