To enable the pursuit of a better life through education.
Education used to be the best investment one could make. It can be again.
It’s that shared belief that brought together a venture capitalist with a passion for education and a self-taught technologist bent on helping his students reinvent themselves as programmers. In 2012, Adam Enbar and Avi Flombaum partnered to create an alternative to an education industry leaving a wide skills gap in a booming tech world. Alongside a scrappy community of students ready for a new way to learn, they launched Flatiron School – an accelerated programming school that inspired a coding bootcamp industry.
As we’ve proven that this model can work – with nearly all job-seeking students across our programs starting fulfilling careers at companies including Google, Apple, even NASA – we’ve pushed to expand accessibility to this transformative education, offering scholarships and fellowship programs for underrepresented groups in tech. In 2015, we took our classroom online with, bringing the ability to change your career through code to those previously left out of the bootcamp model – people holding full-time jobs, parents balancing packed schedules, students hundreds of miles from the nearest tech hub.
Technology has the potential to reshape the way we learn – and we’re just getting started.