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All schools in Saint Petersburg

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Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) is a major Russian technical university providing courses in engineering, physics, economics, humanities and information technology. SP...
Saint Petersburg Невский проспект, 104
About Center Level UPCenter for IT Education Level UP is a team of experts in the field of information technology, who care about what is happening in the world. Therefore, we develop ourselves a...
Языковой центр для детей и подростков Полиглотики
Polyglotics ™ is an international network of Children's Language Centers where children learn English, German, Spanish, French and Chinese using a unique author's methodology based on a commu...
TERRA School
TERRA School
Saint Petersburg Митрофаньевское шоссе, 2/1
Why study a foreign language in our courses?We offer the widest choice of programs for studying English, as well as other European and Oriental languages ​​- for example, business or technical. I...
Курсы иностранных языков при Институте иностранных языков
We follow the principle of maximum personalization of education, sensitively respond to customer requests and changes in the field of education, constantly monitor the quality of education and impr...
English Forward
English Forward
Saint Petersburg Каменноостровский пр-т, д.15, офис 111
English Forward language courses were founded in 2002 with the practical purpose of teaching communication in English. Our priority is to develop the ability to speak and understand English.When ...
International Language Academy
International Language AcademyILA International Language Academy was founded in 1995 as a subsidiary of one of the largest corporations in the field of private education in the UK Nord Anglia Edu...
Saint Petersburg Гражданский проспект 41, Литер А, офис 409
To the fundamental OXFORD English File program, we add our newest emotioNess program, built on the synthesis of linguistics in an emotionally charged atmosphere, which contributes to an incomparabl...
Saint Petersburg площадь Александра Невского, 2
STEP is the largest authorized training center of Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. STEP students receive international certificates free of charge during the training process.Our teachers are practici...
Best English Academy
Welcome to the Best English Academy!Our mission is to help people fulfill their dreams! Building a successful career abroad or in a Russian company, enrolling in the best educational institutions...
Language Brain
Language Brain
Saint Petersburg Проспект Королёва, 39/1
Language Brian is a language center offering a wide range of training services. adults, children to foreign languages. We offer not only English courses, but also various events (events) for the pr...
Denis' School
Denis' School
Saint Petersburg Набережная р. Фонтанки, 130А
We help people to acquire a new degree of freedom, developing their abilities.Denis' School is an international system of schools of foreign languages, occupying leading positions in the markets ...
English Isle
English Isle
Saint Petersburg ул. Гороховая, 34
Today, the school English Isle is one of the leaders of the educational market of St. Petersburg. Since its foundation in 2009, we have been entrusted with the training of more than 15,000 people, ...
Educa Centre
Educa Centre
Saint Petersburg Проспект Испытателей, 39
Educacenter was founded in 1989 and is one of the largest language centers in St. Petersburg. We specialize in teaching English in a communicative manner and offer various programs for children and...
Saint Petersburg ул. Маршала Захарова, 62
English School Englobex
Saint Petersburg 11-я линия Васильевского острова, 24
28 years of successful work guarantee results!Language Center LINGVORU Institute of Foreign Languages ​​was opened in 1989 and has many years of experience in programs for teaching foreign langua...
НИХАО Центр изучения китайского языка
Chinese Language Learning Center
Highest Courses of Foreign Languages
Highest Foreign Language Courses (VKII)Higher foreign language courses are a school for those who are serious about their studies, are focused on the result and plan to actively use English in wo...
Saint Petersburg Площадь Карла Фаберже, д. 8/2
About companySoftline is a leading global provider of IT solutions and services operating in the markets of Russia, CIS, Latin America, India and South-East Asia. We offer complex technological s...
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