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German in Frankfurt

Find German in the best schools on EduFind! Learn foreign language in Frankfurt near you, online, or abroad. Find listings with schools and their reviews or begin your distance learning. Discover new opportinities for business and travelling during German. Study foreign culture together with EduFind!

ISL Language Centre
ISL language center was founded in Ettlingen in 1997, Pforzheim as another new school and a school in Koblenz, which had been running for 30 years, were added later. We have an excellent reputation...
Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS
Wir – das Sprachcaffe - sind ein im Jahre 1983 gegründeter Full-Service Sprachreiseveranstalter und weltweit mit einem Verbund aus 31 Sprachschulen vertreten. Neben den klass...
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